
Polls weeks away, BJP-Congress social media war hot up


Chhattisgarh Times
Raipur: Ahead of assembly polls, Chhattisgarh Pradesh Congress Committee (CPCC) has launched a social media campaign titled “25 Sawal Raman Singh Se—Janata Mangti Hai Jawab” on Wednesday targeting the Chief Minister Raman Singh. Meanwhile, Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) has also launched a campaign with hashtag #PollPatti targeting opposition Congress party.
Through the campaign ‘#25_din_25_sawal’, the state Congress will be throwing one question related to development in the state at Chief Minister Raman Singh every day for the next 25 days till the next month’s assembly election.
Congress while launching the campaign posted a picture on its Facebook and Twitter handle with the caption stating that since Prime Minister Narendra Modi had said on his birthday that questions should be asked, it is cowardly to run away from questions. Keeping in mind his point of view, we will ask Raman Singh Ji # 25_day_25_sawal from today till the elections.
“It will be interesting to see now, whether Raman Singh too will run away from questions?” the caption said.
The party threw their first question on Wednesday asking about the development in the state since the formation of the state. Congress asked that “if the numbers of poor are increasing, then whose development is going across the state?” They also stated that when the state was formed, the number of poor in the state was 37%, but according to Narendra Modi its 50% now.
CPCC raised its fourth question on Saturday saying Adivasis did not get the value of forest produce; nor the promise of employment was fulfilled by the government, why? They also said that BJP government has decreased support price of forest produce up to 53%.
The questions raised by the party had received mixed responses from the citizens. Some are supporting the questions raised, while few people are also defending the Chief Minister sharing information about the development works done by Raman Singh.
Similarly, through #PollPatticampaign, BJP is throwing poll questions targeting opposition congress candidates. On Thursday the party posted a picture on Facebook handle asking for what reason Rahul Gandhi is angry with Bhupesh Baghel? The poll has four options including CD Scandal, sting scandal, groupism and “blabbermouth”.

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