March 11, 2025 |


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कुसमुंडा खदान में डीजल चोरी का खेल, फरार डकैत राजा खान का गिरोह सक्रियमहतारी वंदन योजना को लेकर विपक्ष ने महिला-बाल विकास मंत्री को घेरा…एसईसीएल कालीबाड़ी में तदर्थ समिति गठित, सौंपी गई चैत्र नवरात्रि दुर्गा पूजा के भव्य आयोजन की जिम्मेदारीहोली पर सुरक्षा सख्त: थानों में 70 से ज्यादा बदमाशों की परेड…IMPACT : मंत्री लखन की मुश्किल बढ़ी ! भाजपा से किसने किया गद्दारी जांच करेंगे गौरीशंकर अग्रवाल, इधर लखन ने मिले नोटिस पर…विश्व हिंदू परिषद की नई कमान – अमरजीत सिंह बने कोरबा जिला अध्यक्ष, युवाओं के लिए बने प्रेरणा स्रोतएनकाउंटर में ढेर हुआ झारखण्ड का कुख्यात गैंगस्टर अमन सावहसदेव नदी में डूबे युवक का 6 दिन बाद मिला शवथाने में दो पक्षों के बीच जमकर मारपीट, घायल हुए लोगहोटल कारोबारी, राईस मिलर और कांग्रेस नेताओं के घरों से लौटे ED अफसर

Why India’s election is among the world’s most expensive

Gram Yatra Chhattisgarh
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The world’s biggest democracy will soon hold what’s likely to beone of the world’s costliest elections.India’s six-week-long vote will span the Himalayan range in the north, the Indian Ocean in the south, the Thar desert in the west and the mangroves of the Sundarbans in the east.
This time the polling exercise, due to start on April 11 and be completed by May 19, will cost an unprecedented 500 billion rupees ($7 billion),accordingto the New Delhi-based Centre for Media Studies. About$6.5 billionwas spent during the US presidential and congressional races in 2016, according to, which tracks money in American politics.
The CMS projection marks a 40 percent jump from the $5 billion estimated to have been spent during India’s 2014 parliamentary vote. And it amounts to roughly $8 spent per voter in a country where about 60 percent of the population lives on around $3 a day.
“Most of the jump in spending will come in use of social media, travel and advertising,” said N. Bhaskara Rao, chairman of the Centre for Media Studies, who has advised previous governments and ran a market research group.
Social media spending is likely to be dramatically higher, surging to about 50 billionrupees from 2.5 billion rupees in 2014, Rao said. His group—which bases its projections on field interviews, government data, contracts given out, and other research—also expects a jump in the use of helicopters, buses and other transportation by traveling candidates and party workers.
Specific data can be hard to pin down, but costs are rising in general as constituency sizes increase and more candidates join the fray, said Simon Chauchard, a Columbia University lecturer who has followed elections in India.
Politicians feel “you’ve got to do new things, and crazier things, and bigger things and louder things,” Chauchard said. “It’s a bunch of panicky candidates throwing money around to voters but also to vendors selling all kinds of stuff useful in a political campaign.”


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