March 13, 2025 |


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Union Tourism Minister Alphonso inaugurates tribal tourism circuit at Gangrel

Gram Yatra Chhattisgarh
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Raipur: Union Minister of State for Tourism KJ Alphons inaugurated tribal tourism circuit project at Gangrel dam in Dhamtari district on Friday.
Addressing the gathering at the inaugural event Union Minister of State for Tourism KJ Alphons said Chhattisgarh is a very beautiful state and Gangrel Dam is one of most beautiful tourist spots of the state. The Gangrel Dam under the Swadesh Darshan scheme has also been included in the Tribal Tourism Circuit, to spread the beauty of this place across the country and abroad.
He said that unprecedented work is being done by the Indian Government in the tourism sector. In the last four years, global tourism has increased by 14 percent, also the income earned by foreign tourists has also been increased by 20 percent.
Agreeing with the suggestion of Minister of Panchayat and Rural Development Ajay Chandrakar, Union Minister Alfons decided to provide technical and financial assistance to create an artificial beach at Gangrel.
In his address Minister of Panchayat and Rural Development Ajay Chandrakar said that the diversity of the culture, tradition, dialect, and handicrafts of the state is probably the highest in the country.
Many outstanding works have been undertaken by the government for the development of tourism in the state. He said that there is a wonderful series of dams in Dhamtari district which cannot be found elsewhere in the state and therefore it needs to be developed further in the tourism sector.
Tourism Minister Dayaladas Baghel said it is a pride moment for the state that today the second tribal tourism circuit has been inaugurated in the state. The state has its own diverse tribal culture and traditions, and it will be displayed in the circuit.
He informed that the circuit connects 13 major tourism sites of eight districts of the tribal belt area in the state. Under this scheme, the tourists will be provided with all the necessary facilities.
About Rs 99 crores has been sanctioned by the Ministry of Tourism for this project. Under this project eco log huts, souvenir shops, cafeteria, garden, parking space, and water sports will be developed in these tourist spots, Baghel said.
With the development of these facilities in the state, it will improve the existing tourist facilities, enhance overall tourist experience and help in getting more visitors. After the inauguration program, the guests, including the Union Minister, enjoyed water sports. Tourists can also enjoy thrilling water sports including parasailing, jarbin ball, PWC bike, banana ride here.


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