March 14, 2025 |


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सीडी कांड में CBI ने लगाई रिवीजन याचिका, पूर्व सीएम की मुश्किलें बढ़ीं…राज्यपाल को मुख्यमंत्री ने दी होली की शुभकामनाएंतहसीलदार की कार्रवाई से परेशान किसान ने जहर पिया, हालत नाजुकबालको की उन्नति से जुड़ी स्व सहायता समूह की महिलाओं ने बनाया हर्बल गुलालमहिला समूहों का हुनर, आत्मनिर्भरता की ओर बढ़ता कदमभालुओं के हमले में सफाई कर्मी घायल, राहगीरों ने पहुँचाया अस्पतालस्वरोजगार योजनांतर्गत सहायता से संचिता ने पैतृक व्यवसाय को दी नई दिशाअंधविश्वास एवं सामाजिक कुरीतियों का होगा प्रतीकात्मक होलिका-दहनसमूह की महिलाओं ने कलेक्ट्रेट मे लगाए हर्बल गुलाल क़ा स्टॉलस्वच्छता दीदियों को कचरा प्रबंधन के संबंध में दिया गया प्रशिक्षण

State workers spreading nutritional awareness through local festivities

Gram Yatra Chhattisgarh
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Raipur: Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that the way folks in Chhattisgarh are raising nutritional awareness among people under National Nutrition Campaign through local festivals is commendable. The state has set a precedent for the whole country to take such initiative.
Addressing Anganwadi workers, Asha, A.N.M, and mitanins across the country through video conferencing, he said that getting inspired from the thoughts of Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak to celebrate Ganesh festival, Chhattisgarh has created a milestone for the whole country in spreading nutritional awareness through the local festivities.
“Recently the workers spread benefits of nurturing children through Kamarchatt festival, and ‘poshan Raksha sutra abhiyaan’ through Raksha Bandhan festival”, he said.
PM also had a discussion about the Nutrition Campaign with Anganwadi workers, Asha, A.N.M, and mitanins of Raipur and Rajnandgaon district. He discussed the implementation, experience, and challenges faced by them during the campaign.
Anganwadi worker Keja Chandrakar, ANM Urmila Dewangan, and Mitanin Devaki Yadav of Khoni village of Arang development block in Raipur district told the Prime Minister that the smartphones provided to them for the implementation of the National Nutrition Campaign proved to be of great help for them. Common applied application (cash) in the smartphone has been a great help to reduce malnutrition.
Chandrakar told that earlier prior receiving smartphone, she had to fill 11 different types of information related to mothers and children in Anganwadi centers manually. It was very difficult to make a nutritional graph by taking the weight of children and the percentage of malnutrition, but through smartphones and cash applications, this work has become easy.
It has also become easy to know when a child has to go home, and when the child has to send a nutrition rehabilitation center. Earlier, people used to go to the house to get information verbally, but now they feed all the information in mobile-only which has eased their work a lot, she said.
After discussion with the Anganwadi workers of Raipur district, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that they are playing a vital role in strengthening digital India campaign by using technology in the field of health and improved the overall health of all mothers and children in the state.
“Anganwadi workers, Asha, ANM, and Mitanin are the leading soldiers of the nation as they have played a vital role in building a healthy nation and I salute all of you for your contribution”, said the PM.


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