March 14, 2025 |


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सीडी कांड में CBI ने लगाई रिवीजन याचिका, पूर्व सीएम की मुश्किलें बढ़ीं…राज्यपाल को मुख्यमंत्री ने दी होली की शुभकामनाएंतहसीलदार की कार्रवाई से परेशान किसान ने जहर पिया, हालत नाजुकबालको की उन्नति से जुड़ी स्व सहायता समूह की महिलाओं ने बनाया हर्बल गुलालमहिला समूहों का हुनर, आत्मनिर्भरता की ओर बढ़ता कदमभालुओं के हमले में सफाई कर्मी घायल, राहगीरों ने पहुँचाया अस्पतालस्वरोजगार योजनांतर्गत सहायता से संचिता ने पैतृक व्यवसाय को दी नई दिशाअंधविश्वास एवं सामाजिक कुरीतियों का होगा प्रतीकात्मक होलिका-दहनसमूह की महिलाओं ने कलेक्ट्रेट मे लगाए हर्बल गुलाल क़ा स्टॉलस्वच्छता दीदियों को कचरा प्रबंधन के संबंध में दिया गया प्रशिक्षण

State-level Veterinary Hospital opened in the state capital providing 24 hours vet treatment facility

Gram Yatra Chhattisgarh
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Raipur: Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Minister Brijmohan Agarwal inaugurated the state-level veterinary hospital and animal disease investigation laboratory built at a cost of around Rs 2 crores in the state capital on Tuesday. The hospital provides 24 hours of vet treatment and has three operation theatres.
Speaking at the inaugural event Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Minister Brijmohan Agarwal said that veterinary doctors and animal husbandry department officials and employees have a huge responsibility for the treatment of sick and injured animals. Treating animals who can’t speak for themselves is a very crucial task.
Agarwal said that in the state-level veterinary hospital vet specialist doctors for medicine, gynecology, pathology, and surgery have been appointed to provide treatment. Besides, treatment of various types of infectious and non-infectious diseases occurring in animals will be available here, and emergency services will also be available as well.
He also informed that with livestock management training, the productivity of livestock will increase eventually. There will be arrangements for various types of latest equipment including an X-ray machine, blood and urine analyzer in the institution. Besides, animal blood and dung can be examined immediately in the animal disease investigation laboratory.
Agarwal told that lab sample storage room, laboratory, clinical pathology lab, medicine department, surgery department, OPD for large and small animals, operation theatre and the inter-departmental department has been opened in the hospital.
Operator veterinary doctor S.K. Pandey informed that after the formation of the new state, the veterinary facilities have been increased rapidly. The state government is continuously working on new schemes in the interest of livestock farmers. In the last 15 years, 227 rural animal dispensaries and 132 veterinary clinics have been opened across the state.
He also informed that in the state-level veterinary hospital, eight specialist veterinarians and eight assistant veterinary field officers have been arranged to meet the needs.


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