March 14, 2025 |


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Startup develops software to create data transparency in land records

Gram Yatra Chhattisgarh
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Raipur: A start-up from the state capital has developed a software using blockchain technology through which all information pertaining to land records will be available in public records in a user-friendly language.
SmileBots secured the first position in the ‘Blockchain e-Governance Grand Challenge’ organized by Chhattisgarh Infotech Promotion Society (CHiPS). The government is now planning to implement their software in a phased manner across the state, starting with one Development Block.
Talking to TOI co-founder of SmileBots Achal Sharma said, “Land record is a big problem in every state in fact blockchain is one technology which government is exploring to solve land records related problems. So, I and my team prepared a solution (this software) and participated in the ‘Blockchain e-Governance Grand Challenge’. The revenue department of chips are considering the software and are planning to start its pilots in different parts of the state.
Talking about the benefits which a citizen will get from this software, Achal said the current database of land records is kind of hidden behind the back wall which is vendor control and it’s totally dependent on the vendor to maintain transparency of the records.
“With the new blockchain technology which is totally transparent, it will create a transparency between the government, internal departments of the government and the public. As every transaction will be publicly available, it will be impossible to erase them. Be it, builders or officers, there will be no possibility to bungle up the records”, he said.
Speaking about the hurdles faced to launch this software he said still some patwaris and tehsildars fail to understand this blockchain technology. Besides they also fear that if the system becomes transparent they can’t do some of the works which they are doing right now.
“To remove such hurdles, it is very important to get support from the public. The public should raise their voices on the fact that they need this transparency and a transparent system”, he said.
SmileBots secured the first position in the ‘Blockchain e-Governance Grand Challenge’ organized by Chhattisgarh Infotech Promotion Society (CHiPS). The team was awarded the first prize of three lakh rupees and a citation by Minister of Industries Amar Agarwal. They used the state-of-the-art technique called ‘Hyperlaser’ which was highly appreciated by the judges.
Achal Agrawal also participated in an online competition conducted for selection to IIIT Bangalore’s Data Science Program where he stood first in the national competition. He won a cash scholarship of 2.1 Lakhs from Swades Foundation, who work for motivating students to do good in the field of Education. 


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