March 12, 2025 |


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कुसमुंडा खदान में डीजल चोरी का खेल, फरार डकैत राजा खान का गिरोह सक्रियमहतारी वंदन योजना को लेकर विपक्ष ने महिला-बाल विकास मंत्री को घेरा…एसईसीएल कालीबाड़ी में तदर्थ समिति गठित, सौंपी गई चैत्र नवरात्रि दुर्गा पूजा के भव्य आयोजन की जिम्मेदारीहोली पर सुरक्षा सख्त: थानों में 70 से ज्यादा बदमाशों की परेड…IMPACT : मंत्री लखन की मुश्किल बढ़ी ! भाजपा से किसने किया गद्दारी जांच करेंगे गौरीशंकर अग्रवाल, इधर लखन ने मिले नोटिस पर…विश्व हिंदू परिषद की नई कमान – अमरजीत सिंह बने कोरबा जिला अध्यक्ष, युवाओं के लिए बने प्रेरणा स्रोतएनकाउंटर में ढेर हुआ झारखण्ड का कुख्यात गैंगस्टर अमन सावहसदेव नदी में डूबे युवक का 6 दिन बाद मिला शवथाने में दो पक्षों के बीच जमकर मारपीट, घायल हुए लोगहोटल कारोबारी, राईस मिलर और कांग्रेस नेताओं के घरों से लौटे ED अफसर

Postal ballot facility is not being available to personnel on poll duty in tribal areas – Bhagat

Gram Yatra Chhattisgarh
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Chhattisgarh Times
Raipur: State Congress Tribal President Amarjeet Bhagat has alleged that the postal ballot facilities is not being made available to the government employees and security forces who were on poll duty during the state assembly elections in almost 85 development blocks in the tribal dominated and remote areas of Chhattisgarh.
Amarjeet Bhagat on Friday visited chief electoral officer and handed over a complaint letter in this regard stating that postal ballots are not being provided to the personnel of 85 development blocks in the tribal belt of the state, who were on poll duty. Bhagat said that due to this they are not being able to exercise their franchise.
In the complaint letter Bhagat said that this a part of a conspiracy. He said that this is an inappropriate administrative effort by the government to create barrier in free and fair elections in the state.
Bhagat said such action goes against a citizen’s democratic right to vote. Saying that such action is a violation and a serious crime under election laws, Bhagat has demanded investigation into the same and asked CEO to take strict action against the guilty officers.


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