March 13, 2025 |


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Khairagarh Music University organizing relaxing music sessions for pregnant women

Gram Yatra Chhattisgarh
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Chhattisgarh Times Raipur: Aiming to improve the health of the pregnant women in the district and to cheer them up, Indira Kala Sangeet Vishwavidyalaya (IKSV) in Chandigarh district is organizing music sessions in the university.
IKSV Vice-Chancellor Prof. Mandavi Singh said that a month ago Chhattisgarh Governor Anandi Ben Patel suggested this initiative to know what impact music create on the health of a pregnant mother and her baby. As per her suggestion, we started this programme with pregnant mothers who are registered in Anganwadi of the district, as their health records are easily available. In the beginning, it was quite difficult to gather the women at the university because most of the pregnant women registered in Anganwadi are doing some work for themselves for their livelihood.
Anganwadi workers helped us a lot to gather the pregnant mothers at the university for the musical sessions. Around 25 women gather at the university daily to attend the musical session, she said.
Singh said that we also took a recommendation from a doctor here regarding this and had a check-up of the participating women before the commencement of the programme to maintain their health records. At the beginning of the programme health records of most of the women were very poor, but no improvement in their health can be seen. The women are enthusiastically participating and enjoying the musical sessions.
Chhattisgarh Governor Anandiben Patel met IKSV Vice-Chancellor Prof. Mandvi Singh on Wednesday. During the meet, she informed the Governor that the University is making experiments to contribute to the welfare of society. Mandavi said that pregnant women are invited to the university and made to listen to varieties of music.
She said that the results are very encouraging. The pregnant ladies are enjoying the music and are happy. They are showing a keen interest in learning music. The students of the University are doing research on the issue.
Upon which the Governor appreciated the efforts of the university authorities. She suggested that they should make efforts to provide a nutritious diet to the pregnant women.


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