March 15, 2025 |


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Jonty Rhodes names 5 best fielders in modern day cricket, rates Suresh Raina the best

Gram Yatra Chhattisgarh
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Former South African player Jonty Rhodes has revealed his top five fielders in the modern era cricket on Wednesday. In a video released by the ICC, Rhodes rated India’s Suresh Raina as the best fielder.
“I have been a massive fan of Suresh Raina, for forever; ever since he started playing,” Rhodes said. “I know what the conditions of the fields are in India, and every time he practices, every time he dives, it’s gonna be so much of heat. He doesn’t even give a second hesitation of should I have dived or shouldn’t have dived,” he added.
Rhodes, who is considered to be the best fielder, went on to say: “He goes for the ball which pretty much what my philosophy is, ‘if you don’t go, you’ll never know’ and he has done that. He has taken great catches in the slips and in the outfield and in the circle. I have loved watching Suresh Raina. He is my number one fielder.”
Raina also took to Twitter to express his gratitude after being named number one fielder saying, “So glad to have retained my number 1? spot on your list all these years, @JontyRhodes8 ! You’ve always inspired me by setting the highest standards on the field!”
The other four players to have featured in Rhodes’ list are AB de Villiers, Herschelle Gibbs, Andrew Symonds and Paul Collingwood.
Former Australian all-rounder Symonds finds himself at number five followed by South African Gibbs. England’s Collingwood is at the third spot while De Villiers was ranked second.


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