March 15, 2025 |


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सीडी कांड में CBI ने लगाई रिवीजन याचिका, पूर्व सीएम की मुश्किलें बढ़ीं…राज्यपाल को मुख्यमंत्री ने दी होली की शुभकामनाएंतहसीलदार की कार्रवाई से परेशान किसान ने जहर पिया, हालत नाजुकबालको की उन्नति से जुड़ी स्व सहायता समूह की महिलाओं ने बनाया हर्बल गुलालमहिला समूहों का हुनर, आत्मनिर्भरता की ओर बढ़ता कदमभालुओं के हमले में सफाई कर्मी घायल, राहगीरों ने पहुँचाया अस्पतालस्वरोजगार योजनांतर्गत सहायता से संचिता ने पैतृक व्यवसाय को दी नई दिशाअंधविश्वास एवं सामाजिक कुरीतियों का होगा प्रतीकात्मक होलिका-दहनसमूह की महिलाओं ने कलेक्ट्रेट मे लगाए हर्बल गुलाल क़ा स्टॉलस्वच्छता दीदियों को कचरा प्रबंधन के संबंध में दिया गया प्रशिक्षण

India – Fact Sheet of Unnao Rape

Gram Yatra Chhattisgarh
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June 2017: A 17 year old Minor girl in Unnao district alleges rape by a BJP MLA Kuldeep Sengar.
June 2017 – April 2018: Girl’s family complains. Police refuse to even file an FIR. Family goes to court. Persists with the case for a long time.
April 3, 2018: Girls father badly beaten up by MLA’s henchmen.
April 3, 2018: Police arrests father while ignoring the girl’s complaint.
April 8, 2018: Girl attempts suicide outside home of UP CM Yogi accusing him of protecting the MLA.
April 9, 2018: Girl’s father dies after police torture.
April 10, 2018: Police arrest four men accused of assaulting the girl’s father, all associates of rapist MLA.
April 10, 2018: Post-mortem report shows 14 injuries on girl’s father’s body in the Unnao case.
April 11, 2018: Case handed over to CBI.
April 12, 2018: BJP lawmaker Kuldeep Sengar charged with minor’s rape.
April 13, 2018: Allahabad GC orders arrest of the MLA.
11 July 2018: CBI files first chargesgeet naming the MLA as an accused.
13 July 2018: A 2nd Chargesgeet filed naming MLA and his brother, three policemen and five other people for allegedly framing the Unnao rape survivor’s father.
18 August, 2018: Younus, A key witness to the assault dies suddenly. Uncle alleges that Younus is poisoned to death. Buried with no Autopsy.
21st November 2018: The uncle of the victim wasarrested in an 18 year old gun-firing case.
26 December 2018: FIR against the rape victim, her mother and uncle owing to discrepancies in the date of birth of the rape victim.
28th July 2019: Victim is travelling in a car to visit the uncle lodged in Rae Bareily Jail.
– A truck hits the car.
– Coincidentalky, Security officer of girl not in the car.
– Coincidentally, The number plate of truck is smeared in black paint.
– Two aunt’s die,
– Rape Victim fighting to survive.
– Lawyer critical.
– Police say accident did not appear like a “case of conspiracy or intent to murder”.
– Justice system in ICU.
*So, Father beaten to death. Uncle arrested. Mom dead. Aunt’s dead. Witness dead. Victim critical. Lawyer critical. MLA safe under police security.*
*Want to complain against Rape?*
*Beti Bachao??*
_This is where PM should intervene._


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