March 12, 2025 |


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बालको के ‘उन्नति उत्सव’ कार्यक्रम में उत्कृष्ट योगदान के लिए महिलाओं का सम्मानहोली पर जुमे की नमाज के समय में बदलाव, छग वक्फ बोर्ड का बड़ा फैसलाआमापाली गांव में अवैध बोर खुदाई, दो बोरवेल वाहन जब्तपंचायत अध्यक्ष-उपाध्यक्ष चुनाव के दौरान भिड़े भाजपा-कांग्रेस कार्यकर्ता…CGPSC प्रीलिम्स 2024 का रिजल्ट जारी, 3737 अभ्यर्थी मेंस के लिए क्वालीफाईअंधेरे में जीवन बिता रहे ग्रामीणों को अब लालटेन से मिली छुटकारारायपुर में कार सवार युवकों से करोड़ों की नगदी बरामद, हवाला का शक14 मार्च को मदिरा दुकान रहेगा बंदभारतीय सेना में भर्ती की अधिसूचना जारीसतत विकास लक्ष्य को प्राप्त करने के लिए फील्ड में सही तरीके से लागू करना है : संभागायुक्त

If the Congress government is formed, then no rape culprit will be spared

Gram Yatra Chhattisgarh
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Chhattisgarh Times Raipur: Congress Spokesperson Priyanka Chaturvedi has said that no rape culprit will be spared if the government of Congress is formed in Chhattisgarh. In the past 5 years, many incidents of sexual harassment had taken place across the state and in most cases, the culprit had managed to escape.
Priyanka Chaturvedi while speaking to the media persons at Rajiv Bhawan said that as per the records received by National Crime Records, more than 27,000 women remain missing in Chhattisgarh in the last 5 years. During Assembly session, state government admitted that as many as 37,106 women remain missing in the last 5 years.
Chaturvedi said that the Chhattisgarh government also admitted that the incidents of rape in the state are increasing at the rate of 12 per cent per year. On an average, six women were victims of rape every day in the state. In 2016, increasing this figure by 171 per cent and the country’s attention has shifted to the distressed condition of women in Chhattisgarh. Apart from this, the case of child sexual exploitation of girls in Kanker’s hostel had been discussed in the whole country. According to the National Crime Records Bureau, Chhattisgarh holds the second position in the country in terms of sexual exploitation of girls. This seems to unmask the truths behind the state government’s “Beti Bachao Beti Padhao” slogan.
Chaturvedi said that another serious issue in the state is corruption and the percentage of unemployment has also increased. Answering a question regarding MeToo campaign, she said that central government BJP Minister has been held accused in MeToo campaign. If you keep both BJP and Congress, you’ll clearly see where they stand and where we do in the campaign.


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