March 15, 2025 |


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HNLU students to start hunger strike on Monday

Gram Yatra Chhattisgarh
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Raipur: Hidayatullah National Law University (HNLU) students will go on an indefinite hunger strike from Monday morning. An ongoing protest is going on in the top law school demanding the resignation of Vice Chancellor Prof. Sukhpal Singh.
A student member of Student Bar Association from HNLU informed that the student’s representatives had a meeting with HNLU Chancellor, Chief Justice of Chhattisgarh High Court A.K. Tripathi on Saturday evening. The Chancellor accepted the graveness of issues and yet didn’t clear his stance on whether or not VC Prof. Sukhpal Singh will be asked to resign or not. 
The student said that they had been sitting on a silent protest since Wednesday evening, but the students alleged that Prof. Sukhpal Singh is threatening them with disciplinary and police action.
“Deeply saddened by the inaction and apathy on the part of the Chancellor and authorities at various levels, the students have decided to go on an indefinite hunger strike”, the student said.
Besides, the student informed that they have formed various committees to maintain the decorum of the protest. The students are also cautious about their surroundings, making committees to ensure that no such acts of vandalizing the property takes place.
Students and various other supporting people are protesting on the social media as well with hashtags #NotMyVC, #HNLUKiAzaadi, #HNLUProtest, and #SPSOut. The protest has got support from people across the country on Twitter.
Marwahi MLA Amit Jogi along with Congress spokesperson of Chhattisgarh Nitin Bhansali visited the campus on Saturday and discussed the issues with the students. They also expressed their disappointment with the malfunctioning of the administration.
State Bar Council of Chhattisgarh is also supporting the students demand. The council issued a letter on Thursday stating that the demands of the students are valid, and they have their support.
The students sat on indefinite protest from Wednesday evening after the VC Prof. Sukhpal Singh denied resigning from his position on September 25 stating that he is not liable for the position. The students are demanding to seek justice against corruption, arbitrary action, and protectors of sexual predators. 


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