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Forest sports meet to be held at Raipur

Gram Yatra Chhattisgarh
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Chhattisgarh Times
Raipur: Including Archery and women Golf, more than six new games will be an attraction for 24th All India Forest sports meet being held at Raipur Chhattisgarh from January 6-10 in 2019.
After a meeting of Nodal officials regarding the 24th All India Forest sports meet preparations an official informed “ this time some new games like Archery, women swimming competition, women golf and some other new games will be added in the five days competition and a proposal has sent to the other states also. if all the participating states will agree to keep those games in this upcoming forest sport meet then it will be attraction for the sports persons of the state”.
Across India 23 states are participating in this meet. This is the second time when Chhattisgarh is hosting that championship. State has won that championship almost six times continuously defeating all states across India.
The responsibility of the event has been assigned to chief forest conservator, Campa Head S. Srinivas Rao. National Sports Competition is one of the big events of the Forest Department. Apart from the development of the game, there is also an exchange of culture among the people of the country. In addition to sports, cultural events are organized every evening during the programme.
The cultural event will be held at Deendayal Upadhyay Auditorium. Sports competitions will be held in Kota Stadium besides the Science College grounds. In addition to individual events, team games include cricket, hockey, football, volleyball, basketball, kabaddi and other sports. From Chhattisgarh 180 sports member team has been participated.


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