February 5, 2025 |


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विशेष लेख वार्ड 26 : जब पोंकू के खिलाफ हो गए थे उनके ही पार्टी के नेता, मंत्री ने एक सांस में की मांगे पूरी, लेकिन टिकट की जोड़तोड़ ने माहौल बिगाड़ा…कल विशाल आमसभा को संबोधित करेंगे प्रदेश के मुख्यमंत्री श्री विष्णु देव सायनामांकन के आखरी दिन कांग्रेसी नेता ने मचाया हंगामा, पुलिस ने दर्ज किया मामला…लखमा की रिमांड समाप्त, आज फिर होगी कोर्ट में पेशी…नक्सलियों ने दो ग्रामीणों को उतारा मौत के घाटग्राम पंचायत कोट में चुनाव बहिष्कार: किसी ने नहीं भरा नामांकनयुवा मोर्चा जिला महामंत्री नरेंद्र देवांगन ने किया चुनावी नुक्कड़ सभा को संबोधित।ड्यूटी पर बलरामपुर जा रहे कृषि विभाग के उप संचालक की मौतनगरीय निकाय-पंचायती चुनाव के मद्देनजर बस्तर जिले की पुलिस अलर्ट मोड मेंनक्सलियों को अवैध हथियार व विस्फोटक की आपूर्ति करने वाले 4 गिरफ्तार

First time ever in Raipur 600 kilo meters bicycling event was organized by ‘Raipur Randonneurs’

Gram Yatra Chhattisgarh
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Raipur: First time ever in Raipur 600 kilo meters bicycling event was organized by ‘Raipur Randonneurs’ under the aegis of Audax India Randonneurs, the Indian cycling body affiliated with Audax Club Parisian, France. 20 riders including 2 Lady riders, participated in the event.
A Participant of the event Dipanshu Jain informed “ Randonneuring is a form of endurance cycling. As opposed to speed cycling, it is a non-competitive sport which makes it attractive for riders of all ages. The riders have to complete a given distance on a predetermined route going through various check points. Remarkably, there are no 1st or 2ndpositions. Everyone who completes the distance within the given time is entitled for a medal that is designed and sent by Audax Club Parisien, France. There, of course, are certain rules to follow. The riders are not allowed to take a backup vehicle or crew, as these are self-supported rides. They are encouraged to help each other during the ride. This promotes camaraderie and sportsmanship. The maximum riding time includes all the time used both on and off the saddle – from repairing flat tyres, to taking meals or even a quick nap. Therefore, the game tests the physical and mental strength of the riders as well as their planning”
About Raipur Randonneuring he said “previously, only five riders from Chhattisgarh have themselves into this list, two of them completing the Super Randonneur (SR) Series by riding all the above-mentioned distances in their respective stipulated durations in a single riding season. The riders were Rahul Tiwari, Dilip Jain, Akash Jaiswal and Pulak Parag including my name Dipanshu Jain but now in this event along with the Chhattisgarh, riders from Nagpur, Hyderabad, Vijayawada, Rourkela and Jabalpur participated in this mega- event. This long distance cycling known as ‘brevet’ stretched 300 kms to and from on each side on the Grand Eastern Road going to Saraipalli at one end and Deori at the other. The entire distance had to be covered in less than 40 hours braving the heat, humidity, fatigue, and lack of sleep”


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