March 12, 2025 |


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कुसमुंडा खदान में डीजल चोरी का खेल, फरार डकैत राजा खान का गिरोह सक्रियमहतारी वंदन योजना को लेकर विपक्ष ने महिला-बाल विकास मंत्री को घेरा…एसईसीएल कालीबाड़ी में तदर्थ समिति गठित, सौंपी गई चैत्र नवरात्रि दुर्गा पूजा के भव्य आयोजन की जिम्मेदारीहोली पर सुरक्षा सख्त: थानों में 70 से ज्यादा बदमाशों की परेड…IMPACT : मंत्री लखन की मुश्किल बढ़ी ! भाजपा से किसने किया गद्दारी जांच करेंगे गौरीशंकर अग्रवाल, इधर लखन ने मिले नोटिस पर…विश्व हिंदू परिषद की नई कमान – अमरजीत सिंह बने कोरबा जिला अध्यक्ष, युवाओं के लिए बने प्रेरणा स्रोतएनकाउंटर में ढेर हुआ झारखण्ड का कुख्यात गैंगस्टर अमन सावहसदेव नदी में डूबे युवक का 6 दिन बाद मिला शवथाने में दो पक्षों के बीच जमकर मारपीट, घायल हुए लोगहोटल कारोबारी, राईस मिलर और कांग्रेस नेताओं के घरों से लौटे ED अफसर

CECB bans firecrackers in six major cities for two months during winter

Gram Yatra Chhattisgarh
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Chhattisgarh Times
Raipur: In an initiative to control air pollution during winters and wedding season, Chhattisgarh Environmental Conservation Board (CECB) has imposed a ban on burning of firecrackers for two months—from December 1 to January 3—in six major cities of the state including the state capital.
A circular from the department stated that the ban has been imposed to curb the level of air pollution across the state. Besides, it also aims to keep the environment healthy and clean during the winters. The ban has been imposed on six major cities of Chhattisgarh including Raipur, Bilaspur, Bhilai, Durg, Raigarh, and Korba.
However, as per the orders of Supreme Court bursting of firecrackers is allowed from 11:55 pm to 12:30 am on the occasions of Christmas and New Year festivities.
The level of air pollution across the state increases during the winters and the decision has been taken to maintain the prescribed levels. CECB has “Zero Tolerance Policy” against pollution—therefore co-ordinated efforts are required from the authorities concerned and citizens to reduce pollution.
Continuous efforts by the department to curb the pollution in the last two years have resulted in a lot of improvement in the quality of air and a decrease in the level of air pollution in the state capital.
To monitor the level of air pollution, Raipur is divided into grid levels—due to this Raipur is now falling into the category of “Good” due to the reduction in the level of air pollution. The level of air pollution here showed a massive decrease during Diwali festival which has only been possible with the cooperation of industries and the citizens.
The state has been declared as air pollution control region under the provisions of Air Pollution (Prevention and Control) Act 1981. CECB had issued a circular in this regard last year in November, which stated that the ban on firecrackers during winters will be imposed every year to curb the pollution in the state.


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