March 14, 2025 |


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ANVP organised BRTS driver training workshop

Gram Yatra Chhattisgarh
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Chhattisgarh Times Raipur: To educate BRTS drivers about Road Safety and Traffic rules as well as to ensure safety of the passengers a day long ‘Driver Training Workshop’ organized at Atal Nagar Raipur.
ANVP Public relation officer informed “Objective was to educate BRTS drivers about Road Safety of Atal Nagar- Atal Nagar Vikas Pradhikaran (ANVP) organized a day long, ‘Monthly Driver Training Workshop’ , which was attended by more than 65 bus drivers. The aim of this workshop was not only to enlighten BRTS drivers about Road Safety and Traffic Rules, but to also ensure passengers’ safety”.
At this workshop, special training was given to ‘Tatpar’ bus driver from 12pm- 2 pm at BRTS Bus Depot, Atal Nagar. Trainer (Traffic Police) T K Bhoi trained the bus drivers about Road Safety and road rules in a detailed manner. He said that “the road, vehicles and drivers are the ones held responsible for any accident. Rules related to traffic are made with citizen’s security in mind and following these rules would result in minimum road casualties. Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) was followed in this training workshop. Traffic Police Officers addressed questions put forth by the bus drivers as well”.
ANVP’s CEO Rajat Kumar gave the guidelines to organize this workshop, which was conducted swiftly. The drivers were advised to avoid speeding and they were encouraged to ensure safety of other vehicles.
Special guests for the workshop were ASP(Traffic) Abhishek Verma and DSP(Traffic) Satish Thakur.Verma introduced the drivers with modern technologies related to traffic.
ANVP’S Engineer in Chief Salil Shrivastav, GM, DGM(Transport), Executive Engineer and other officers were present at the workshop. Shrivastav thanked the officers and drivers for attending the workshop.


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